Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Setting it straight

Don't worry guys, I am going to continue tp post on this blog! This started off as a "mommy"blog and will continue to be so, I just got sidetracked with all of my marital issues and posted some stuff about that. I was only saying I was done ranting about my husband problems, so no worries Kevin!

The baby is getting so big!It seems like he changes even during the short time he's at daycare. It makes me so sad to leave him everyday, I just know when I come back he's going to have grown or will be doing something new. His thing right now is, when he's on his belly for tummy time, he lifts himself up on his arms and toes like a little crab. Granted he's only throwing himself forward right now instead of using his arms and legs to crab walk, I know it's only a matter of time (maybe a few weeks) before he's crawling. He actually makes a lot of head way when on the floor. He scoots into different rooms and basically all over. While I do find it exciting, I'm sad that he soon will be mobile and once that happens they don't really feel like babies anymore. I really wanted him to stay a baby for a while. Chloe was so active, crawling and walking so early, that I had hoped he would be lazy and not too interested in getting around. Not my luck though, he's ready to go...he actually gets pissed off when we walk away and leave him on the floor. It's almost like he can't miss anything and gets mad that he can't get around. He looks at Chloe like, you asshole...I wanna get up and play too! It's quite humorous.

I love seeing the them interact. She is so maternal and it's the sweetest thing to watch. When he gets upset and starts crying, she gets his paci and will do it just like mommy does. She pops it in his mouth, holding it there until he takes it and will sit beside him rubbing his hand or head, sometimes hs belly, shshing him and saying "it's ok baby, hush now, it's ok...I love you Jack, hush now."It's so freaking sweet I could almost die. She likes feeding him bottles and holding him. I thought it would be hard for her to get accustomed to a new baby, but besides a few behavioral issues in the beginning, it's been very easy. She's taking to being a big sister so well. I'm sad to see him grow so quickly but at the same time, I can't wait until he's old enough for them to actually "play"together. I know he's probably going to drive her absolutely crazy, but it will be so cool to see the dynamics of their relationship. I'm really happy I had them so close together, I think it will make a HUGE difference in the years to come. I only hope that they become good friends and battle for each other. I guess only time will tell.

I'll be posting new pictures soon!


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